The River Ribble

from source to sea

Part 6 - Stainforth

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Stainforth Bridge

[photograph showing Stainforth Pack Horse Bridge]

The name Stainforth comes from the stony ford which was replaced by this graceful, arched pack-horse bridge in the 1670s.

Just below the bridge is Stainforth Force, the only significant waterfall on the Ribble (see part 3 for more on waterfalls in limestone landscapes).

Stainforth village

[photograph showing Stainforth village]

There are two settlements, separated by the river: Little Stainforth to the west and Stainforth on the east. Stainforth was developed by monks from Sawley (or Salley) Abbey, and was the more prosperous.

This picture shows Stainforth, nestling between the hills. The fields surrounding the village show sheep grazing - and also the first evidence of cattle grazing - a sign that the environment is becoming less harsh as we move downstream. The buildings and field boundaries are all constructed from the local limestone.

[photograph showing buildings in Stainforth village]

Buildings in Stainforth

Note the building on the right - an obvious conversion of a building originally intended for agricultural use into a desirable residence.

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River Ribble Part 5
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© Graham Dean 1996 - 2006.